Updates from our law firm
Kaikkonen & Sunnari Attorneys at Law
Latest news and updates
Advising on employment matters
Attorney Tuomas Sunnari advises ETU ry on employment matters concerning employers in the retail sector. Read more here.
Training employer representatives
Attorney Tuomas Sunnari actively trains employer representatives on current employment law topics in Eduhouse Oy’s online trainings. Tuomas has more than 100 training courses available. Click here to view the trainings.
Article interview
Lawyer Emilia Kaikkonen was interviewed in an article published in Helsingin Sanomat on 25.4.2021. The article deals with preliminary investigations of human trafficking offences in Finland. Kaikkonen is one of Finland’s most experienced lawyers specializing in exploitation of labor. Read the article here.
Writing sections of Employment Law Handbook
In 2021, Edita Publishing Oy published the seventh revised edition of the Employment Law Handbook. Tuomas Sunnari, attorney-at-law, has written the sections on damages and the processing of personal data. See them here.
Group proposal on strengthening restraining orders
The Ministry of Justice’s working group proposal on strengthening restraining orders has been published on 23.9.2021. Lawyer Emilia Kaikkonen has been a member of the working group 2020 – 2021. See the proposal here.
Writing by Emilia Kaikkonen
Emilia Kaikkonen’s article “When a pay dispute can be a crime” has been published on Victim Support’s website. You can read it here.
What do our clients say?
”Kiitos! Kun minulta kysytään suosituksia asianajajista, olet listan huipulla!”
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Due to the nature of our services, we are often busy with trials, preliminary investigations, and negotiations. If you can’t reach us immediately, please leave a message or send us an email. We just need to know what kind of legal advice you need. Then, we will ask some follow-up questions to see if we can help you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!